Share the Road

Driving on the road requires care and courtesy whether you are driving a car or riding a bicycle.  As road users, both modes must be predictable, obey all traffic laws and share the road for optimal street safety.  With the growing number of people choosing to ride a bike in Stamford, we partnered with the City and People Friendly Stamford to create a brochure to educate bicyclists and motorists on how to share the road.  Click here for the Share the Road Brochure.

Bike Parking

20 bike hitches throughout the downtown area, which are metal bike racks that slip onto parking meter poles.





















Stamford Bicycle Network

To encourage biking as a transportation option, the City painted a network of sharrows.  Sharrows are painted signs in the roadway marking that it is a shared lane, which include two white chevrons with a bicycle below.  Sharrows remind motorists that bikers are able to use part or all of the lane, depending on safety concerns.  State law requires motorists to allow at least 3 feet distance between a car and a bicycle when passing.
